Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Asa Alexander |
GA |
Samuel Alexander, Sr. |
GA |
John Annis |
MA |
Christian Ardinger |
PA |
Nathaniel Averill |
MA |
Patriot Name |
State |
William Banker |
NY |
Thomas Banks |
NC |
Reuben Barnes |
CT |
John Batson |
NJ |
John Beam |
NJ |
Peter Elijah Belote |
SC |
William Bentley |
GA |
Alexander Blackshear |
NC |
James Blackshear, Sr. |
NC |
Joseph Blackwell |
NC |
Hezekiah Bowen |
MA |
Valentine Bowen |
MA |
Thomas Bowlsby |
NJ |
Job Bridges |
MA |
Edward Bryan |
NC |
John Bryan |
NC |
Joseph Burgess, III |
CT |
Philip Burlingame |
RI |
Samuel Burlingame |
RI |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
John Caldwell |
NH |
David Calhoun |
PA |
James Campbell |
MA |
Joshua Case |
NJ |
Henry Clark, Sr. |
NJ |
Robert Colfax |
CT |
George Cook |
NC |
Nicholas Conklin |
NY |
William Conklin |
NY |
Joshua Converse |
MA |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
John Dales |
NY |
Jonathan Dawson |
SC |
John DeHart |
NJ |
Leonard DeKlyn |
NY |
Joseph Dewey |
CT |
John Dow |
MA |
Jeremiah Dwelly |
RI |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
William Eaton |
MA |
Johosaphat Eldred |
CT |
Martin Elliott |
VA |
Jacob Ely |
CT |
Michael Entler |
VA |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
John Frazer |
GA |
John Fulford |
MD |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Daniel Gard |
NJ |
John G. Garrigus |
NJ |
David Gordon |
NJ |
Ephrum Gorham |
CT |
Aaron Granger |
MA |
Phillip Greely |
NH |
Asa Green |
MA |
Joseph Guerin |
NJ |
Andre Guillebeau |
SC |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Josiah Hall |
NJ |
Richard Hartley |
NC |
Abijah Wheeler Haskell |
MA |
Thomas Hayes |
VA |
Jacob Hendershot |
NJ |
Conrad Hepler |
NJ |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Stephen Irons |
RI |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Daniel Johnson |
MA |
Nathan Johnson |
MA |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Philip LeRoy (King) |
SC |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Samuel McClanathan |
MA |
William McGee |
PA |
Jonathon McPeak |
NJ |
Robert Middleton |
GA |
Edminster Moore |
NJ |
Joseph Moore |
NJ |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Wright Nicholson |
SC |
Joel Northrup |
CT |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Samuel Paschall |
NC |
William Paschall |
NC |
Richard Pearl |
MA |
Abraham Plant |
CT |
Daniel Predmore, Jr. |
NJ |
Daniel Predmore, Jr. |
NJ |
Samuel Pritchard |
MA |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Joseph Riggs |
NJ |
Jacob Roome |
NJ |
Moses Rugg |
MA |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Peter Salmon |
NJ |
Timothy Sammis, Jr. |
NY |
Anthony Sampson |
MA |
William Sankey |
PA |
Joseph Shattuck |
MA |
George Fredrick Sheffy |
PA |
William Sheldon |
NY |
David Shriver |
MD |
David Shriver |
NJ |
Thomas Spofford, Jr. |
NH |
Thomas Spofford, Sr. |
MA |
Richard Stephens |
NJ |
Isaac Stites |
NJ |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Abel Thompson, Sr. |
CT |
Alphens Thompson |
MA |
James Thompson (b. 1696) |
MA |
James Thompson (b. 1724) |
MA |
Robert Thorndike |
ME |
Benjamin Titcomb |
NH |
Jacob Towne |
MA |
Joshua Towne |
MA |
Shubel Trowbridge |
NJ |
Patriot Name |
State of Service |
Philip Walker |
MA |
George Webster |
CT |
Thomas White |
PA |
Stephen Wilder |
MA |
Bancroft Woodcock |
DE |